Unleash Your Authentic

Power to Achieve a Life

Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

About Pan


Hi there, I’m Pan, a life and career coach that empowers people to unleash their authentic power to achieve success in their careers and relationships! I love helping people transform their lives from inner vision to reality, which I know is not always easy to do. But it’s so worth the time and effort. I should know because I’m living proof!

A few years ago, my life was unrecognizable from what it is today. I was working as an actuary for a reputable company and making great money, but I felt deep down that something was missing. I wasn’t living authentically or being true to what really brought me joy. Then I found coaching. I went through a deep soul-searching process and internal struggle to give up on what I thought I wanted to take a leap of faith into something I knew I wanted. And I’m so happy I did.

Being a life coach is an ongoing evolution. It’s a process of becoming continually free by breaking through the “prison cells” we set around ourselves. I help my clients do the same so that they can break past old patterns, create the life they want and achieve their desired transformations. Let me help you do the same!

Armed with the superpowers of authenticity, connection, joy, warmth, and wisdom, I carefully guide clients to success in both business and life by unleashing their power through the lens of authentic living. By tapping into your uniqueness and inner wisdom, I’ll drive you to discover your own answers through a nonjudgmental approach.

Life & Career Coaching is for you if

You feel life has become mundane and would love to inject passion in your professional or personal life.

You feel lost in what you are doing and would like to gain clarity and confidence from an authentic place inside of you.

You are transitioning into the next level in your career or relationship, and you need encouragement and affirmation.

You feel you have been hiding your power and have finally decided to step into your full self-expression

Your relationships are lacking depth, and you want to build more meaningful connections.

Coaching Services

Learn to Harness the Power of Authentic Living:

One-on-One Coaching Programs

Essence Conversation

Accelerated One-to-One Coaching Call

Group Coaching Program

Start your journey today with a discovery call

Pan´s Walking the Talk

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最近北美客户在session时都会提到疫情带来的影响。愤怒CDC不给有用信息,特朗普不一次性说实情。纽约更是成为了世界疫情的风暴口。一个客户本来要去以色列的项目洽谈被取消,家里隔离生活刚开始进入“磨合”期。 “宣泄”完之后,平静下来,审视内心的智慧:如何面对这突如其来的外在环境大变化?我是如何对自己没有掌控的外在环境做出反应的? 大多客户在看到那些事情不是自己能改变的之后,觉得没有必要去纠结和愤怒。而是开始专注于如何把所有的“逆境”变成机会。发挥自己主观能动性把自己可以掌握的,发挥到最好。...

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